"Silencing of Maya" fallout

It's not about "Silencing of Maya" story (HN thread). It's about what you can do about it. 

Way to distribute app without the AppStore:

Another solution if they're afraid they might lose the ability to use the app if Apple pulls removes the app remotely (which it has NEVER done):

Pay $190 to SfY (via credit card), ask them to give you a provisioning profile for beta testing, install it on your iPad, download updates with TestFlight or manually. Problem (partially solved! It sucks, but at least they don't have to fear they might never be able to use this app again, or if the device breaks they life would be ruined.

Copy cat:

What's so special about this application that a concerted week of coding could not duplicate? It seems like a list of icons, and when you touch an icon a word is spoken. There is a facility to add new icons. The application also seems to permanently fix the location of each "learned" icon, so that as the child grows their vocabulary consists of an expanding set of "muscle memory" movements. There is also a facility to flag attempts to add duplicate icons. [1]

Have I missed something here?

[1] http://www.speakforyourself.org/About_The_App.html

Edit: Some interesting links:

Open Source Assistive Technology Software: http://www.oatsoft.org/

A collection of 5000 pictograms, necessary for an AAC application, licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA:http://www.oatsoft.org/Software/arasaac-pictograms/


pVoice, open source Augmentative and Alternative Communication: http://www.oatsoft.org/Software/pvoice

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