LevelDB key-value library

LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values.

Can be compared with SQLite and TokyoCabinet.

Great HN comments (including the author):

About levels:

To clarify, leveldb stores data in a sequence of levels. Each level stores approximately ten times as much data as the level before it. A read needs one disk seek per level. So if 10% of the db fits in memory, leveldb will need to do one seek (for the last level since all of the earlier levels should end up cached in the OS buffer cache). If 1% fits in memory, leveldb will need two seeks.

Google Chrome:

We’re using leveldb as the back-end for IndexedDB in Chrome.

Comparison with TokyoCabinet:

One of the leveldb authors here. TokyoCabinet is something we seriously considered using instead of writing leveldb. TokyoCabinet has great performance usually. I haven’t done a careful head-to-head comparison, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was somewhat faster than leveldb for many workloads. Plus TokyoCabinet is more mature, has matching server code etc. and may therefore be a better fit for many projects.

However because of a fundamental difference in data structures (TokyoCabinet uses btrees for ordered storage; leveldb uses log structured merge trees), random write performance (which is important for our needs) is significantly better in leveldb. This part we did measure. IIRC, we could fill TokyoCabinet with a million 100-byte writes in less than two seconds if writing sequentially, but the time ballooned to ~2000 seconds if we wrote randomly. The corresponding slowdown for leveldb is from ~1.5 seconds (sequential) to ~2.5 seconds (random).

There’re wonderfully detailed and comprehensive benchmarks against SQLite and TokyoCabinet in the source. And implementation details.

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